341-0 Plaintiff’s Statement of Undisputed Fact Supporting Motion for Partial Summary Judgment – Elders are Agents of Watchtower

341-0 Plaintiff's Statement of Undisputed Fact

April 11th, 2024

Full docket text for document 341:
Statement of Undisputed Fact re: [339] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment RE: HARDIN ELDERS ARE AGENTS OF WTNY by Tracy Caekaert, Camillia Mapley filed by Tracy Caekaert, Camillia Mapley.


# (1) Exhibit EX A WTNY004244-WTNY004247 Doe (CA) WTNY’s Resp. to PL’s RFA Set Three
# (2) Exhibit EX B WTNY004248-004251 Stipulation re Foundation of Docs & Agency of Individuals (Lopez)
# (3) Exhibit EX C 007689-007836 2012-02-22 Cobb Hearing Transcript
# (4) Exhibit EX D 004018-004019 1973-1992 Comparison of WTPA & WTNY Corp. Officers to GB Members
# (5) Exhibit EX E 003174-003233 1970 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses
# (6) Exhibit EX F CONFIDENTIAL Excerpts from 2024-03-08 Depo. Transcript WTNY 30(b)(6) – Thomas Jefferson, Jr.
# (7) Exhibit EX G 004040-004049 1986-02-10 Affidavit of Don Adams Bonham KH
# (8) Exhibit EX H WTPA028731-WTPA028954 1983 Organized to Accomplish our Ministry
# (9) Exhibit EX I CONFIDENTIAL Excerpts from 2024-03-08 Depo. Transcript WTNY 30(b)(6) – Mario Moreno
# (10) Exhibit EX J 000484-000623 1972-10 Kingdom Ministry School Course
# (11) Exhibit EX K 001818-002081 1977-12-15 Branch Organization
# (12) Exhibit EX L CONFIDENTIAL WTNY003300-003480 2018-07-12 Transcript of Deposition of Douglas Chappel (Nunez)
# (13) Exhibit EX M Doc. 69 2018-08-07 Final Prop. Final Pretrial Order – Nunez v Watchtower
# (14) Exhibit EX N Doc. 07 2002-08-05 WT & Othello Congregation’s Ans. to Complaint
# (15) Exhibit EX O WTNY’s Resp. to Interrogatory No. 20
# (16) Exhibit EX P WTPA066248-WTPA066315 1960 Preaching and Teaching in Peace and Unity
# (17) Exhibit EX Q Doc. 88 2007-02-28 Decl. of Gary Breaux
# (18) Exhibit EX R CONFIDENTIAL WTNY000980-WTNY000992 2016-04-15 Dec. of Jefferson Jr in Opp. to MTC (Velicia Alston Case)
# (19) Exhibit S 2015-03-06 Affidavit of Hernan Steele
# (20) Exhibit EX T CONFDIENTIAL Excerpts from WTNY002174-002247 2014-03-31 Transcript of Depo of Richard Ashe Vol. I (Lopez)
# (21) Exhibit EX U CONFDIENTIAL Excerpts from WTNY002248-002300 2014-04-01 Transcript of Depo of Richard Ashe Vol. II (Lopez)
# (22) Exhibit EX V WTPA066316-WTPA066380 1949 Counsel on Theocratic Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses
# (23) Exhibit EX W 000624-000723 1977-09 Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock
# (24) Exhibit EX X 000756-000819 1981-09 Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock
# (25) Exhibit EX Y WTPA000137-WTPA000292 1991 Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock
# (26) Exhibit EX Z 002782-002787 1989-07-01 Ltr. to Body of Elders re Child Abuse
# (27) Exhibit EX AA Excerpts from 2023-08-11 Depo. Transcript Bradley Lovett
# (28) Exhibit EX BB 007837-008124 2018-09-24 Vol I AM Session Nunez v Watchtower
# (29) Exhibit EX CC 000356-000387 1971-04-01 The Watchtower
# (30) Exhibit EX DD Excerpts from 2021-04-23 Depo. Transcript James Rowland
# (31) Exhibit EX EE 008130-008135 Corrected Copyright – Publisher Comparison
# (32) Exhibit EX FF CONFIDENTIAL Excerpts from 2024-03-07 Depo. Transcript WTPA 30(b)(6) – Devine
# (33) Exhibit EX GG Ltrs. from WTNY to Hardin Congregation
# (34) Exhibit EX HH MAP_HARDIN000021-000099 Hardin Congregation Appointment Documents
# (35) Exhibit EX II Excerpts from 2023-07-11 Depo. Transcript Thomas Meyers
# (36) Exhibit EX JJ Excerpts from 2024-01-10 Depo. Transcript Hardin 30(b)(6) William Hasch and Rustin Haley
# (37) Exhibit EX KK Excerpts from 2023-07-12 Depo. Transcript Delbert Hiebert
# (38) Exhibit EX LL Excerpts from 2022-04-14 Depo. Transcript Shirley Gibson
# (39) Exhibit EX MM WTNY000764-000765 Report on CO’s Visit with Congregation
# (40) Exhibit EX NN WTNY003960-003961 CONFIDENTIAL 1997-04-25 Hardin BOE Ltr. to WTNY (PL Entry 29)
# (41) Exhibit EX OO WTNY003963-003964 CONFIDENTIAL Undated T. Meyers (Hardin) Ltr. to TP (PL Entry 37)
# (42) Exhibit EX PP WTNY003965-003967 CONFIDENTIAL 1998-09-14 T. Meyers Ltr. to WT Service Desk (PL Entry 38)
# (43) Exhibit EX QQ CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000008-000009 2004-05-01 Hardin BOE Ltr. to CCJW re FU to Forsyth BOE Ltr. re Apt. of Svenson
# (44) Exhibit EX RR CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000010-000012 2004-05-12 Ltr. re Info. from Unknown Author on Gunnar
# (45) Exhibit EX SS CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000013-000014 Undated Ltr. from Bruce Haley
# (46) Exhibit EX TT CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000021-000023 2011-04-19 Hardin BOE Ltr. to CCJW re Hulsey & Meyers Mtg with J. Rowland
# (47) Exhibit EX UU CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000024 2011-05-02 Rashawn Hricziscse C.O. Ltr. to CCJW & Hardin BOE re visit with Hardin Congregation
# (48) Exhibit EX VV CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000025-000026 Hardin BOE Ltr. to CCJW re FU to C.O. Ltr.
# (49) Exhibit EX WW CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000182 2006-03-28 Hardin BOE Ltr. to Deer Lodge BOE re 90’s Disfellowship of TP Bro
# (50) Exhibit EX XX CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000183-000184 2017-05-24 Hardin BOE Ltr. to Service Desk re TP Bro Pursuing Younger Sisters
# (51) Exhibit EX YY CONFIDENTIAL CCJW000196-000197 Undated Ltr to Branch Service Desk in Resp. to 6-25-2019 Letter



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Categories: Caekaert v. Watchtower
Tags: Caekaert v. Watchtower
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JWCA Document Number: 341.0
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Child Abuse Cases Among the Jehovah's Witnesses

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