249-8 Exhibit H
June 29th, 2023
1 Exhibit A 2022-09-27 Email from R. Shaffer to J. Wilson 2 pages
2 Exhibit B 2022-09-28 Email from C. Sweeney to R. Shaffer 2 pages
3 Exhibit C 2022-09-29 Ltr. to DFs re Depositions 18 1 page
4 Exhibit D 2022-10-04 Ltr to Counsel re Depos 3 pages
5 Exhibit E 2022-10-05 Email from B. Jensen to R. Shaffer 2 pages
6 Exhibit F 2023-04-19 Email from R. Shaffer to J. Wilson 2 pages
7 Exhibit G 2023-04-26 JM Email to WTNY re Deps of Shuster, Breaux, Smalley 2 pages
8 Exhibit H 2023-05-01 WTNY’s Resp. Ltr. re Shuster, Breaux, & Smalley Depos. 4 pages
9 Exhibit I 2023-05-03 WTNY’s Resp. Ltr. re Shuster, Breaux, & Smalley Depos. 3 pages
10 Exhibit J 2023-05-17 Ltr. to Counsel Providing Breaux, Smalley & Shuster NODs 11 pages
11 Exhibit K 2022-09-28 Email from R. Shaffer to C. Sweeney 3 pages
12 Exhibit L 2022-09-29-Email from J. Wilson to R. Shaffer 2 pages
13 Exhibit M Ethics Opinion 940430 4 pages