237-0 Order on Motion to Compel Production of Documents

237-0 Order Compelling Production

May 22nd 2023

Full docket text for document 237:
ORDER granting plaintiff’s [191] Motion to Compel with respect to searches of and production of responsive documents from the Service Department and CCJW, and denied as to the U.S. Branch Office. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that WTNY must search or order a search of the documents at the Service Department and CCJW, and produce all responsive documents. Signed by Judge Susan P. Watters on 5/22/2023. (EMH)


Before the Court is Plaintiffs Tracy Caekaert and Camillia Mapley’s Motion to Compel Production of All Discoverable Documents and Information at the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New York Headquarters. (Doc. 191). Plaintiffs initially asked the Court to require Defendant Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (“WTNY”) to search for, obtain, and produce all discoverable information and documents at the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ New York headquarters.
(Id. at 2).1 On reply, Plaintiffs narrowed their request for relief to include only two Jehovah’s Witnesses entities at the New York headquarters—the U.S. Branch Office, including the Service Department, and the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (“CCJW”). (Doc. 207 at 2).

WTNY opposes the motion, arguing that WTNY is a distinct entity from the U.S. Branch Office and CCJW and thus does not control any of their documents. (Doc. 202 at 3-4). Without the requisite control, WTNY cannot be compelled to produce responsive documents from the U.S. Branch Office and CCJW. (Id.).

For the following reasons, the Court grants the motion as to WTNY’s obligation to search for, obtain, and produce all discoverable information and documents at the Service Department and CCJW, and denies the motion with respect to the U.S. Branch Office.

Critical Documents:

Document 191-0: Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel All Discoverable Docs from Watchtower New York

Document 192-0: Plaintiff’s Brief Supporting Motion to Compel All Discoverable Documents

File Type: pdf
Categories: Caekaert v. Watchtower
Tags: Caekaert v. Watchtower
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JWCA Document Number: 237.0
Downloads: 70
Child Abuse Cases Among the Jehovah's Witnesses

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