65-0 Order Granting Hardin Congregation Motion

Order Granting Hardin Motion

May 5th, 2021

Hardin Congregation’s Motion to intervene is granted.

“The Hardin Congregation, a non-party in the present matter, filed a Motion to Permissively Intervene under F.R.Civ.P. 24(b) for the exclusive purpose of responding to Plaintiffs Motion to Compel Re: Hardin Congregation Subpoena. (Doc. 63). The Motion is unopposed. Therefore, the Court finds that the Hardin Congregation’s Motion satisfies the requirements of F .R. Civ .P. 24(b) and, for good cause appearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Hardin Congregation’s Unopposed Motion to Intervene (Doc. 63) is GRANTED.”

File Type: pdf
Categories: Caekaert v. Watchtower
Tags: Caekaert v. Watchtower
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
JWCA Document Number: 65.0
Downloads: 1
Child Abuse Cases Among the Jehovah's Witnesses

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