318-0 Order on Sanctions Against Watchtower New York

318-0 Order on Sanctions Against WTNY

February 6th, 2024


Full docket text for document 318:

ORDER granting in part [287] Motion for Sanctions.

Plaintiffs Tracey Caekaert and Camillia Mapley’s Motion for Sanctions is GRANTED as to WTNY’s failure to comply with the Order and the need for a remedy, and DENIED as to Plaintiffs’ requested remedy.

Within 30 days of this order, Plaintiffs’ counsel shall file a pleading setting forth the amount of expenses and attorney’s fees recoverable for their work finding the attached exhibits not disclosed to them in discovery and preparing the instant motion. Plaintiffs’ counsel also shall file an affidavit itemizing those expenses and fees within 30 days of this order. WTNY shall have 14 days thereafter to respond.

The Court will then issue a second order, specifying the amount of the sanctions award and setting the time of payment. Signed by Judge Susan P. Watters on 2/6/2024. (EMH)

Important Reference Documents:

Document 287: Plaintiff’s Motion for Sanctions Against Watchtower New York

Document 85: Order Re: Motion to Compel Jurisdictional Discovery Responses and for costs and fees

Document 288: Plaintiff’s Brief in Support of Motions for Sanctions Against Watchtower New York

Document 290: Watchtower Response in Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion for Sanctions

Document 294: Watch Tower PA Response Brief to Plaintiffs Motion for Sanctions



File Type: pdf
Categories: Caekaert v. Watchtower
Tags: Caekaert v. Watchtower, Sanctions
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JWCA Document Number: 318.0
Downloads: 36
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