The Palmer Leaks Documents are a group of confidential documents removed by a whistleblower from the Palmer Massachusetts Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2017. These documents, along with additional documents from surrounding congregations, exposed a significant ring of sexual abuse that extended from Maine to Massachusetts and other Northeastern Congregations in the United States.
Among those documents were descriptions of child rape and multiple sexual assaults performed by JW elders, publishers, and other members of the Church against numerous minor children as young as 4 years of age.
The documents were originally published on the Faith Leaks website, which was later sued out of existence by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The documents led to national news coverage by Gizmodo, Newsweek, and the Atlantic.
The owner of this website turned over many of the applicable documents to law enforcement, which led to the arrest and criminal prosecution of Ernie Fyans, a former Jehovah’s Witness elder who remains in prison as a result of the exposure of these documents.
What a horrifically depraved and corrupt cult the Jehovah’s Witnesses are….please visit my Facebook page:
The Liskeard-Launceston-Tavistock Jehovah’s Witness child abuse ring you will be truly shocked