388-0 Order on Sanctions Against Watchtower New York RE: Interrogatory 15: Governing Body and US Branch

388-0 Order on Sanctions Against Watchtower

May 14th, 2024


Full docket text for document 388:
ORDER granting [331] Motion for Sanctions except as to the references to WPTA. Signed by Judge Susan P. Watters on 5/14/2024. (EMH)

[Please download and read the entire Order for explanation of Judge Watter’s Ruling]



     (1) Plaintiffs Tracey Caekaert and Camillia Mapley’ s Motion for Sanctions
(Doc. 331) is GRANTED, except as to the references to WTP A.

    (2) The following facts are deemed established:
(a) During the period 1973 to 1992, the Governing Body acted through WTNY when it appointed and removed elders at local congregations;
(b) During the period 1973 to 1992, the Governing Body acted through WTNY when it promulgated the policies and procedures elders at local congregations were to follow when handling allegations of child sexual abuse;
(c) During the period 1973 to 1992, the Governing Body was acting through WTNY for all purposes relevant to this case;
(d) Prior to the formation of the U.S. Branch Office in 2001, Jehovah’s Witnesses referred to the departments at the New York Headquarters that oversaw U.S. congregations, including the Service Department, as the “branch”· and ‘
(e) Up to 2001, the “branch” communicated to local congregations through WTNY.

In light of the new information about what a reference to the “branch” means,
the Court will allow Plaintiffs to amend the language of facts (g) and (h) in the
original sanctions order if necessary. Plaintiffs originally referenced the “branch,”
not the “U.S. Branch Office,” (Doc. 288 at 8), so Plaintiffs are entitled to amend
those facts as necessary.


Signed by Judge Susan Watters

May 14th, 2024



File Type: pdf
Categories: Caekaert v. Watchtower
Tags: Caekaert v. Watchtower, Court Ordered Sanctions, Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, Sanctions
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
JWCA Document Number: 388.0
Downloads: 94
Child Abuse Cases Among the Jehovah's Witnesses

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