323-0 Order On Plaintiffs Motion for Extension

323-0 Order On Plaintiffs Motion for Extension

February 29th, 2024


Full docket text for document 323:
ORDER re [322] Motion for Extension of Time to File. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that For Defendants’ “Rebuttal Experts”, Plaintiffs shall file their objections tothe timeliness or sufficiency of the Rule 26(a)(2)(B) reports within fourteen(14) days of February 29, 2024; and For Defendants’ expert. Dr. Michael Biitz, Plaintiffs shall file their objections to the timeliness or sufficiency of his Rule 26(a)(2)(B) reports within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such reports, the dates of such disclosures to be established bu subsequent order of this Court. Signed by Judge Susan P. Watters on 2/28/2024. (EMH)

File Type: pdf
Categories: Caekaert v. Watchtower
Tags: Caekaert v. Watchtower
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JWCA Document Number: 323.0
Child Abuse Cases Among the Jehovah's Witnesses

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