260-0 June 23rd 2021 MTC Hearing Transcript
June 23rd 2021 Transcript
Full docket text for document 260:
TRANSCRIPT of Motion Hearing re [257] Transcript Order Form held on 6/23/2021 before Judge Susan P. Watters. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the court reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER, the clerks office, or the court reporter. NOTICE: A NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST REDACTION MUST BE FILED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THIS FILING. Contact court reporter Rich Mattson, 406-698-3163. For further information, please see the Transcript Redaction Procedure and Schedule on the Court Reporters page of our website.. Redaction Request due 9/21/2023. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 10/2/2023. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/29/2023. (EMH)
The following is the docket text entered on the day of the motion hearing, June 23rd, 2021:
Full docket text for document 78:
MINUTE ENTRYMinute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Susan P. Watters: MOTION HEARING held on 6/23/2021 re [56] MOTION to Compel Jurisdictional Discovery Responses and for Costs and Fees filed by Camillia Mapley, Tracy Caekaert. Present in the courtroom on behalf of Plaintiffs attorneys Ryan Shaffer, Robert Stepans, law student Katy Gannon. Appearing on behalf of defendants attorneys Aaron Dunn, Jon Wilson, Joel Taylor (by phone). This is the time set for oral argument on Plaintiffs Motion to Compel Jurisdictional Discovery Responses and For Costs and Fees. Arguments made by both sides. The Judge will take the motion under advisement. Hearing commenced at 9:35 am and concluded at 10:52 am. (Court Reporter Rich Mattson.) (Law Clerk: C. Thingvold), (Hearing held in Billings-SMC) (AMC)