15-0 Order Approving Consolidation of Appeals

15-0 Order Approving Consolidation

July 27th, 2023

15:  Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: MCD): The unopposed motions to consolidate appeal Nos. 23-35329 and 23-35330 (Docket Entry No. [12] in 23-35329; Docket Entry No. [12759589-2] in 23-35330) are granted. The appeals are consolidated. The consolidated opening brief is due September 15, 2023. The consolidated answering brief is due October 16, 2023. The optional consolidated reply brief is due within 21 days after service of the answering brief. [12763320] [23-35329, 23-35330] (WL) [Entered: 07/27/2023 10:31 AM]

File Type: pdf
Categories: Philip Brumley Sanctions Appeal
Tags: Philip Brumley, Philip Brumley Sanctions Appeal
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JWCA Document Number: 15.0
Downloads: 5

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